Discuss with EFT how PallaBond® eliminates skin effects using your imedance calculator and allows you to focus on material selection.
Contact for more information:
Mike Carnarius, CEF
Sales & Marketing Manager
(714) 722-1542 Mobile
Discuss with EFT how PallaBond® eliminates skin effects using your imedance calculator and allows you to focus on material selection.
Contact for more information:
Mike Carnarius, CEF
Sales & Marketing Manager
(714) 722-1542 Mobile
Contact us directly with detailed information and will provide you a no charge sample showing what we can do and the costs to do it.
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Over 30 years of industrial experience, latest technology, PhD on staff, and Personalized Service.
Contact Mike Carnarius to set up your no charge consultation & personal quote at: mikecarnarius@eftplatingservices.com